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A Passover Problem

A “holiday” based on remembering you were a slave? When you really think about it, it’s kind of strange, right? And the Torah has dozens of verses commanding Israel to remember their slavery? Shouldn’t that be something to forget?! Is this the best origin story Israel could have hoped for? There must be more, right? Let’s explore.

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Recent Messages

  • Not Better But Higher

    Not Better But Higher

    First things first, leprosy isn’t leprosy! In this message we learn about “biblical leprosy“ and understand how this condition manifests in the community of Israel. From there, we’ll investigate tzara’at from the proper perspective and learn how we can apply these lessons even today.

  • Come Near To The Altar

    Come Near To The Altar

    Imposter Syndrome. Although you may not have heard of it, you've probably experienced it. No matter how qualified you may be in reality, you feel inadequate and that at some point you are going to be exposed for the fraud you "really" are. If you've ever been paralyzed by past mistakes, then Aaron, the brother of Moses, has something to teach you. Join Rabbi Damian to discover a path to self-acceptance and the courage to step into greatness as we explore Aaron's story in this week's Torah portion.

  • Putting on the Kingdom

    Putting on the Kingdom

    As we delve into the book of Esther, we encounter an intriguing statement describing what she wore before approaching the king unannounced. Many translations oversimplify this moment by referring to her attire as "royal robes." In this teaching, we will uncover what Esther truly wore, according to Jewish sources, and we will examine other significant biblical figures who wore similar garments and transformed the world as a result. And as disciples of Yeshua, we are called to wear similar garments.

Sermon Series

Don’t know where to start?
This series will introduce you to Jesus in His Jewish context.

The Jewish Jesus

It sounds so simple and obvious: The Jewish Jesus. But this essential truth has been lost to nearly all of his followers. Why has the Jewishness of Jesus been downplayed or even denied throughout a large part of history? Why is this one simple fact critical to our relationship with him?